designing a home for collectorsdesigning a home for collectors

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designing a home for collectors

Do you collect dolls, maybe die-cast cars or action figures? Do you have a room of your own to display all of your prize possession safely? If you are a collector of any sort, you need to have at least one area of your home in which you can display the things that you enjoy so much. I have created this blog to show other collectors how to design a space in the home to display, store and showcase the items that fill their hearts with joy, take them back to their childhood and just make people proud of what they have.

Adhere These Products To A Custom Picture Frame For A Child

While parents frequently have framed photos in several areas throughout their homes — the master bedroom, living room, and even dining room, for example — it's also common for young children to have framed photos in their rooms, too. Some children have framed photos of themselves, their families, their sports teams, and even their family pets. There's nothing wrong with buying standard frames for your children's photos, but if you want to give them something special, working with a custom framing service may be an idea to explore. Read More 

Moving Into A Starter Home? Hire An Interior Designer To Create A Marketable Property

While people who are moving from a starter home to a forever home may have a lot of furniture and belongings to bring along, you may not have much that you intend on bringing to a starter home. This means that you will have an opportunity to invest in new furnishings and decorations that you know will fit great with the size and layout of the starter home that you just bought. Read More